Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quarter One Reflection

Overall, I did well in this class. I feel like I wrote pretty good papers for just getting back into the swing of things. I learned a lot about writing. Specifically on how to write a meaningful thesis for analyzing novels. I also learned about analyzing photos and videos. Some different camera techniques I learned were low, high, and flat angles. I learned how leading lines can tell a lot about the meaning of the photo. I also didn't realize how much thought is put into photography or film making. Coming into tenth grade I wasn't very confident with wrting my thesis statements but now that a quarter has passed, I feel like I can write a strong thesis easily. I think I'm struggling with the MLA style formatting process. I never seem to know if I'm doing it correctly. Sometimes I make dumb mistakes when citing novels even though I know how to do it. I should try to get it right the first time because I know I can do it. My class environment is a good fit for me. For the most part, I don't feel intimidated by anyone in my class. In small groups I'm fine with talking and dicussing with other classmates. I feel that I get a lot out of my classmates, they are very helpful and have good ideas. To further strengthen our learning community I feel like I can participate more. To expand on that, I can share more of my ideas with others. Often, I don't like my ideas so I don't share but maybe now I can get more feedback if I share. My main goal for quarter two is to bump up my grade from last quarter. I would like to try a little harder and get better grades on my quizzes and such. Hopefully I am able to meet my goal and set a higher one for third quarter.


Kelly O said...

Hey Steph. I would have to agree with you when you say that it's easy to have small group discussions in class. I feel like everyone in our class is interesting and easy to talk to.


Jen R. said...

Steph- I would agree with you on the MLA format. That's something that I didn't even think about but it's definately true. I am confident that you'll be able to bump up your grade a little bit.

Alex B said...

Steph, I totally know what you mean about not loving an idea, but feeling safe enought to share it in our classroom. Also it's nice to know that when I share those so-so ideas people will have meaningful feedback for improvement rather than a snort of laughter!

lisa h. said...

steph I know what you mean when you said you don't participate alot in class. i have the same problem when I feel I don't have a very good idea, and i am too shy to share it.I would also agree that writing a good thesis is something that has really improved for me too.

Ms. Froehlich said...

I'd love to hear more of your ideas during class discussions. They are probably very insightful and you're just being too hard on yourself! Make sure you see me during lab days on the research paper so that I can clarify questions you might have on MLA format.