Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Million Little Pieces; Post Two

What is the main character's personality and what motivates them?

In the memoir A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, like I said in my first post the main character is James Frey. So far, James' personality hasn't completely shown through. Because James is going through treatment he is often on medicines and extremely tired. Most of the time he isn't feeling well because he is so used to being high which makes him sick. From what I have read in the memoir I can tell that he is pretty laid back, polite and motivated. James tries to go with the flow, when he is asked to do something he does it without complaining even if he doesn't feel well. Another personality trait that he shows is politeness, he seems like a tough guy on the outside but on the inside he's kind. When the doctors in the facility help him through his hard times, he makes sure thank them and treat them right. The last trait James portray's leads into the next part of the question. James is motivated.

He shows this through a variety of actions in the beginning of his memoir. Motivation is portrayed when James says, "I think about the ruin, devastation and wreckage i have caused to myself and to others. I think about how and why and what happened..." (26). I believe this shows that he is motivated to get back on track and take control of his life. One other thing he mentions is, " My life is Hell, has been Hell for too long. If I keep going I'm going to die. I'm not sure I want to be dead yet" (30). This really demonstrates that James doesn't want to die. He's ready to be a different person and keep living life, differently that is.

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