Sunday, December 2, 2007

Poetry #1

A Tear Fell
By Marge Tindal
I shed a tear today
Silently, I felt it fall
You caught it
shared it
held it
felt it
it wasn't
so big
after all

In the poem A Tear Fell, by Marge Tindal, personification is used to compare a teardrop to pain. A Tear Fell is a short poem that simply explains what a true friendship should be like. Marge Tindal uses first person to describe her tear, “I shed a tear today,/Silently, I felt it fall” (1-2). This line basically describes the teardrop through the way it felt. After that, Tindal tells how the friend helped the situation, “You caught it,/shared it,/held it,/felt it” (3-6). Now we become familiar with how a friend should react to someone else’s pain. In the last few lines the author learns, “it wasn’t,/so big,/after all” (9-11). This presents the idea that after tears are released so is the pain. Through Tindal’s comparison she shows that tears can minimize the amount of pain.

I found this poem compelling because of its deep meaning. I really felt connected because I have many good friends, so this poem is relevant to my life at times. I thought she used short simple words that made this poem meaningful. Her set up also made the poem very different from the others I read. Her comparison of tears to pain made it seem as if she had experienced this before. Marge Tindal really showed how a simple tear could make your problem seem that much smaller. Overall, I really enjoyed this short but sweet poem!